Native Installation


First, install NodeJS (LTS) and MongoDB. You may also need to install git if you haven’t already.

Next, you can install DeepForge using npm:

npm install -g deepforge

Now, you can check that it installed correctly:

deepforge --version

After installing DeepForge, it is recommended to install the deepforge-keras extension which provides capabilities for modeling neural network architectures:

deepforge extensions add deepforge-dev/deepforge-keras

DeepForge can now be started with:

deepforge start


Download and install MongoDB from the website. If you are planning on running MongoDB locally on the same machine as DeepForge, simply start mongod and continue to setting up DeepForge.

If you are planning on running MongoDB remotely, set the environment variable “MONGO_URI” to the URI of the Mongo instance that DeepForge will be using:

MONGO_URI="mongodb://" deepforge start


The DeepForge server is included with the deepforge cli and can be started simply with

deepforge start --server

By default, DeepForge will start on http://localhost:8888. However, the port can be specified with the –port option. For example:

deepforge start --server --port 3000


The DeepForge worker can be started with

deepforge start --worker

To connect to a remote deepforge instance, add the url of the DeepForge server:

deepforge start --worker


DeepForge can be updated with the command line interface rather simply:

deepforge update
deepforge update --server

For more update options, check out deepforge update –help!

Manual Installation (Development)

Installing DeepForge for development is essentially cloning the repository and then using npm (node package manager) to run the various start, test, etc, commands (including starting the individual components). The deepforge cli can still be used but must be referenced from ./bin/deepforge. That is, deepforge start becomes ./bin/deepforge start (from the project root).

DeepForge Server

First, clone the repository:

git clone

Then install the project dependencies:

npm install

To run all components locally start with

./bin/deepforge start

and navigate to http://localhost:8888 to start using DeepForge!

Alternatively, if jobs are going to be executed on an external worker, run ./bin/deepforge start -s locally and navigate to http://localhost:8888.

DeepForge Worker

If you are using ./bin/deepforge start -s you will need to set up a DeepForge worker (./bin/deepforge start starts a local worker for you!). DeepForge workers are slave machines connected to DeepForge which execute the provided jobs. This allows the jobs to access the GPU, etc, and provides a number of benefits over trying to perform deep learning tasks in the browser.

Once DeepForge is installed on the worker, start it with

./bin/deepforge start -w

Note: If you are running the worker on a different machine, put the address of the DeepForge server as an argument to the command. For example:

./bin/deepforge start -w


Updating can be done the same as any other git project; that is, by running git pull from the project root. Sometimes, the dependencies need to be updated so it is recommended to run npm install following git pull.